Filla Fella

A customizable and easy to 3D print mascot for Fillamentum - a leading 3D printing filament manufacturer - to give away to visitors during events. The design is optimized to be printed in just minutes, allowing to manufacture dozens of them live showcasing different materials.

  • 2019

  • I was in charge of the ideation, design and testing process. In addition to those, I assisted with the marketing and social media campaign associated with the project.


Filla Fella can be printed with almost any material and 3D printer

A 3D printed blank canvas

Filla Fella’s shape and surface are clean to allow easy modification and use of this design as a blank canvas for students to make their own version.

Additional functionality

A piggy bank version of Filla Fella is also available for download



The Filla Fella 3D model can be downloaded for free from the following platforms.

A Piggy Bank version is also available for download.


Fun facts


The design can be also 3D printed upside down. This design features was included to allow for overhangs when customizing the design without the need for support material.


Relevant links

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